Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So I'm Not Considered A "Real Natural" when I straighten my hair?

Does flat ironing or straightening your natural hair make you any less natural? Everyone knows Coco loves her some natural hair! I love styling it, combing it, twisting it...just everythang! Its been about 5 months since I had my hair straightened and I loved my Stella in all her glory no matter what style we are rocking :-)

Recently I had my hair straightened again, when my old hair stylist came to Atlanta for the weekend. Its been while and I love to get a length check and rock the style for at least 2 weeks.

I went to an event this weekend and was talking about my blog and interests in Natural Hair and one of the ladies at the event kept telling me that her niece was natural, and while she kept looking at my straight hair, she said her niece is
 "natural natural, I mean for real natural"

She was so excited she continued and said her daughter is natural too
"with almost all the relaxer out of her hair"

Okay, now I could have told her that actually her daughter is transitioning and not 100% natural yet.
Shit, I'm more natural than her daughter at this point, whether my hair is straightened or curly.

Instead I remain calm and thanked her, gave her my card to pass on to her niece and daughter, and  kept it moving. In the back of my head, I was thinking...

How do you handle negative comments about your natural hair?



  1. Well I had an experience about the word nappy. Check out my latest blog post. Some people just don't know the difference from a style and natural. It's your hair! I know lots of naturals that press their hair. They don't use a chemical to straighten their hair, so they are natural. Be like a duck, hold your head up high and let it roll off your back.

    1. Quack Quack!! girl folks are a trip! and most of it is more out of ignorance than it is out of overtly being negative. on the same note, even when you aren't aware that your comments are offensive, it doesn't hurt the receiver any less.


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