Sunday, February 23, 2014

Starting my Juicing Journey

Hello Loves! I am trying different ways to enhance a healthy lifestyle. One of these ways that I am trying starting this week is juicing. Juicing is the term used for drinking the extractable liquid that is contained in fruit or vegetables.

I bought a great amount of fruits and vegatables from the DeKalb International Farmers Market in Atlanta, Georgia. I absolutely love that place. It represents all the different countries so well and the prices are awesome.

All the fruits and vegetables organic and my total was $44. I also bought some of my favorite grounds of coffee. I have been in love with Ethiopian Harrar ever since I was working on my thesis. It helped my through some very late nights

I had a great day hanging out with one of my best friends. We shopped, laughed and of course we ate too. We went to one of my favorite spots for good food, Thumbs Up Diner.

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