Monday, December 16, 2013

Winter Deep Conditioner Challenge (Week 1)

Welcome to the Winter Deep Conditioner Challenge! 
Its our first week and I hope you are ready! 
Don't forget to share with family and friends as registration ends December 20th.

NothingBut Hair Care
Your Journey to a Head Full of Healthy Natural Hair 

Visit NothingBut on social media and share your  Winter Deep Conditioner Challenge posts & photos! 

Hashtag #NothingButHair
Winter Deep Conditioner Challenge 
Hashtag #WDCC #NHFConditioner

Find out more about the Winter Deep Conditioner Challenge!

Week 1
We are talking about adding moisture to our hair strand PRIOR to shampooing or conditioning. 
This process is called "Prepoo" or "Prepooing" your hair. The process is applying your favorite light oil (olive oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, or coconut oil) to your hair from root to tip, detangling (combing out all the tangles in your hair) while applying. Spraying your hair lightly with water before adding the oil is recommended. You can usually get away with using a wide toothed comb or your fingers to detangle your hair with the oil added.  

 This added step in cleansing or conditioning your hair will help immensely with detangling. We all know that our curls can easily get tangled up into one another and detangling them can be a pain! 

Check out this video about prepooing 
(I added my conditioner at the same time as my oil, but its not necessary to do it this way) 

Now that you are going to be adding a "prepoo" to your washing & conditioning process, lets talk about some of your personal hair goals and how our community of curlfriends can assist and support you to meeting your goals!

Comment here or 
TWEET your response @NHairFreedom 

1) What are your hair goals for 2014?

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